Top 10k strings from Colour Clash (1983)(Romik Software)(16k)[a].tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   2 GAME      
   1 Which moving option do you wish:1. Keyboard #1 : '5','6','7','8'2. Keyboard #2 : '9','Q','1','0'3. Keyboard #3 : '6','8','9','7'4. Kempston joystick5. Sinclair joystickSELECT SKILL LEVEL (1,2 or 3)You have set one of the highest scores.Please input your intials.Use Left, Right and Fire...'___'TODAY'S GREATEST'GAME OVER'Code : '????'
   1 The Different Moving Options....%When you are asked which moving option you wish to choose they  are:-                           %CHOICE  UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT  FIRE%  1)   7   6    5     8     0     2)   1   Q    9     0 2nd Row   3)   9   8    6     7     0   % Or if you are lucky enough to  own a Joystick:-                %  4) Kempson Joystick             5) Sinclair Joystick (1)      @
   1 Phase Two......(Bonus Phase One)%This is a bonus phase which     means - BONUS POINTS may be     earned but a life cannot be lostfor failing!                    %Guide the robot rollerbrush ontothe flashing arrow at the       bottom of the screen when it is above the correct column.       %If skill and knowledge have beenused then a bonus of 2000 pointswill be awarded!                @
   1 Phase Three.....................%This is almost the same as phaseone but with a few subtle       changes, as you will see.       @
   1 Phase One.......................%Here you must fill in all the   squares by going round them withyour colour. In subsequent timeswhen you reach this phase the   scoring will be doubled but the game will be much faster!       %When all the squares have been  filled you will get the chance  to catch the pots to gain bonus points!                         %You have a limited number of    PANIC GRENADES which can be usedto make the pots disappear for afew seconds.                    @
   1 Phase Four.....(Bonus Phase Two)%Here a totally different object has to be achieved.             %Guide the brush, trailing cyan, around the screen to trap the   pots. Beware however their      colours which you cannot go overas well as the sides of the pen.%500 points are awarded for each pot trapped. The first time you reach this phase there will be  two pots to contend with but    after that four!                @
   1 MANUAL    
   1 In this new game you take on therole of a paintbrush to rid the world of the alien pots who haveinvaded with their ghastly      colours.                        %You have a limited number  of   grenades which you may use in   tight spots to make them        disappear for a few seconds.    @
   1 Colour Clash From ROMIK Software%%GAME DESIGN....Ian Morrison &                  David Anderson   %PROGRAM CODE...Ian Morrison &                  David Anderson   %GRAPHIC DESIGN.David Anderson   %%%%
   1 COLOUR CLASH will award you a   bonus brush/life at 20,000      points, at 60,000 points and at every further 40,000 points     scored!                         %The game also keeps a memory of the top five hiscores since the game was LOADed. To enter your  name use left and right to      change each character and FIRE  to enter it into the memory     banks. The whole world will now know what a whizz kid you are atCOLOUR CLASH.                   %During the game you may freeze  the game by pressing BREAK and  restart the action with ENTER.  @
   1 COLOUR CLASH can be split up    into four different phases whichrotate after each other with    increased difficulty!           %Five moving options are given,  using either keyboard or        joysticks.                      %There are also three skill      levels. The option being        repeated before each new game.  @
   1 C.CLASH   |
   1 999"<<;;;;;;;;8:::8888888888!999999!<<>>;;;;;;;:::888888888999999999<<>>;;;88;;;88888888888999999999<<<>;;;;;;;;;8888888888<<!!!!!99<<<<<;;;;;;;;;88888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<88;;;;;88;;88888888<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<;;;;;;;;88888888<<<<<<<<<::::::;;;;;;;;;888888::<<<<<<<:::::::;;;;;;;;;888888:::::::::::::::::::::::;;8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 998888888888888888888888888888888899888888888888888888888888888889998888888888888888888888888888999998888888888888888888888888889999998888888888888888888888888899999988888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888899999888888888888888888888888<891111119?88888888888888888::<<<<99991119>88888888888888888::<<<<98999999>88888888888888888::<8<!9
   1 989!98888;;;;88888888888888<!!
   1 %%%%%%%        STOP THE TAPE!          %      AND PRESS ANY KEY..       @
   1 %%%%%%%        START THE TAPE          %       AND PRESS ANY KEY        @
   1  1983   All Rights Reserved    %ROMIK SOFTWARE LTD, SLOUGH      Tel: (0753) 71535               %       PRESS ANY KEY            @